church of SAN GIOVANNI

Church of San Giovanni

In via di Val di Lago just outside the town of San Lorenzo Nuovo is the ancient church of San Giovanni or rather, what remains of it. The remains of the church of San Giovanni are the only remains still clearly visible in the ancient village of San Lorenzo before it was abandoned due to malaria in 1775. The old city, according to the studies conducted and the finds that have come down to us, was first an Etruscan and then a Roman settlement and was of considerable importance during the Middle Ages as it was located along the important Via Francigena. The church dedicated to San Giovanni is supposed to have been built in a period between 1563 and 1590 on the remains of an older building. As can be seen from the remains of this sacred structure, the church has the typical hexagonal shape particularly in vogue in Tuscia especially in the works attributable to Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. Inside there are interesting period paintings and frescoes.